Here are a Few of Anna's Books you Might be Interested in

Coloring books and Books for Educators

Pre-schoolers love to know their gifts

Anna's Friends go to Preschool

Anna’s Friends Go to Preschool was written so children can begin to understand why all their friends are uniquely different; it's because God gave them each a different motivational gift based on Romans 12:6-8, and, because of these different gifts, children respond to (and interact with) their friends and family, as well as those they meet, differently.

The four stories in, Anna’s Friends Go to Preschool, take place the first day of preschool. They each tell and show how the children interact with one another based on their gift. At the end of the book you will read some character traits that each child exhibited in the stories including others that were not mentioned. Parents and caregivers can help their children enjoy this wonderful story book while helping them discover their own motivational gifts. One mother told me that her son picked out his own gift while reading the book.

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A Coloring Book for Preschoolers

Anna's Friends Love to Color

Children of all ages love to color. The illustrations in this coloring book are taken from those in Anna's Friends Go to Preschool so children can color along as they read the four wonderful stories about being a really good friend, and most of all, sharing God's love.

At the bottom of each page with an illustration will be a description telling what is happening in the picture, and/or asking a question from the story, to see if the child remembers the details in the story. For example: on page 24 at the bottom of the picture, "A butterlfy is sitting on Daniel's shoulder" is taken from story #2 in Anna's Friends go to Preschool. Children at the ages of four and five are learning to reason, so the style of learning in the book will help them develop this skill. As an added bonus, two boxes of crayons come with the purchase of this coloring book.

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$9.99 from Yvonne

Illustrations books 1-4 in the Anna's Friends Series

Color Me Love - Book #1

I chose the title, Color Me Love because the motivational gifts are used to express God’s love to others. The Anna’s Friends Color Me Love coloring books are a fun way for you to get to know me and my friends a little better. There are questions before each image that help you remember a little about the picture from books #1 through #4.

For more fun, there are some puzzles at the end of each section that you’ll enjoy doing. All of the answers to the puzzles are at the end of the coloring book in case you need some help, but really try and find them on your own first. It’s more fun that way. And, the words in the sentences scattered throughout the Color Me Love coloring book can be colored too! You can color the letters on the next page to practice staying inside the lines if you want to. Jesse, one of my friends, really likes to color. It’s one of the traits of his gift of serving.

Buy Color Me Love - Book #1

$13.99 from Yvonne

Illistration Books 5-8 in the Anna's Friends series

Color Me Love - Book #2

This is book #2 of the Color Me Love coloring book. When we use our motivational gifts, we receive God’s life force to give his love. The Anna’s Friends Color Me Love-2 coloring book is a fun way for you to get to know Sarah, Jesse, Cayden, and Daniel a little better. Just like the first Color Me Love coloring book, there are multiple choice questions before each image that help you remember a little about the pictures from books #5 through #8. And, there are puzzles at the end of each section too.

All of the answers are at the end of the book in case you need some help, but it’s more fun to find them on your own first. You can color the letters on the next page to practice staying inside the lines if you want to. And, make them pretty colors too! Sarah has the motivational gift of teaching. Did you have great fun reading about the book-a-thon that Sarah planned?

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$13.99 from Yvonne

Curriculum for Educators, K-2nd

An Educator's Guide to Student's Motivational Gifts

The PURPOSE and GOALS of this Curriculum is to honor the GIFTS within every child and EMPOWER them to THRIVE. The PURPOSE of discovering your K-2nd graders’ God-given motivational gifts is to help them at an early age understand who God made them to be.

The GOALS of this curriculum are are to: HELP CHILDREN instill a positive self-esteem in your students; Discover each child’s predominate motivational gift; Help each child understand their unique character traits given by God; Help children understand why they are different from their friends; Give students a platform to continue learning about their gifts; and, Instill a sense of value for their peers and other humans. It will help educators understand why the children in their classrooms respond to others as they do while empowering them to better guide their students when conflict occurs creating a more harmonious classroom.

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$15.95 from Yvonne

Anna's Friends for Educators, 3rd to 5th

Discover Your Students Motivational Gifts

When you were a child, perhaps as young as seven or eight years old, do you remember parents, teachers, or friends and family members asking you that all-consuming question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” You may have been asked the same question each year until you were in high school. How many times did your answer change? Are you doing now what you envisioned doing—when you grew up?

The reason may be as simple as this: that we never discovered our gifts. In Understanding Your Student’s Motivational Gifts, you will learn why your students get along with some children quite well and others not so well. Some of your students will do their homework religiously and some maybe not so. Some may disrupt the class on a regular basis and some will be so quiet you’ll barely know they are in class.

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$15.95 from Yvonne

Drawing keeps kiddos busy for hours

Anna's Friends Love to Draw

Much research has proven that when the arts are taken out of schools, grades go down and crime goes up. The opposite is true: when arts are added to regular study programs, grades go up and crime goes down. Perhaps the prisons would be less crowded if those who possessed the God given ability to create had been given the same priority in training. Getting into trouble seems to be the avenue that unfulfilled students appear to take simply due to lack of creative stimulation.

If we could truly understand the creative mind then we could better understand what motivates children and begin to offer options that are equally as important as reading, writing and arithmetic. Today, visual stimulation is left to television and the computer and the soul becomes muddied rather than developed. This book has been created to offer an avenue to those who want to develop the artist at their own pace.

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$14.95 from Yvonne

Children Love to Talk to God

Anna's Friends Love to Pray

Anna's Friends Love to Pray: My Personal Prayer Journal was created to give your child a way to record what they talk to God about. He or she can do that by writing down their prayer in the space that says, “My prayer to God” in the next pages. There are 100 places for them to write down their prayers. And their journal is their own private gateway to the Creator.

When they believe God is answering their prayer – even if they think He’s saying NO - then they can rite the answer in the space that says, “God’s answer to me”. You can see it beneath, "Your prayer to God". At the end of the 100 spaces, there are some blank pages for them to write down anything that they want to write about. This is your childs' personal journal that will help build their faith and relationship with God. Anna's Friends love this little tool to help them develop their prayer life.

Buy Anna's Friends Love to Pray Prayer Journal

$7.95 from Yvonne


Inspiration for:

Anna's Friends Books

Anna's Friends

Have you met Anna and her friends?

Anna's Friends Children's Book Series helps identify motivational gifts in your children. These are fun stories and adventures for the whole family.

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